If you love meat and fats and don’t care about sweets and starchy foods, then this is the right diet option for you. For a relatively long period of time, fatty foods were considered a cause of overweight. But recently, scientists have come to the complete opposite conclusion. It turns out it’s fatty foods that can shape you. Based on the findings, a keto diet has been developed, which will be discussed further in the article.
The ketone diet initiates a process in our body called ketosis (hence the name diet), which burns body fat. But initially this diet was developed not for the purpose of weight loss, but for the treatment of childhood epilepsy, as part of a complex therapy. And only then its side effects in the form of weight loss are observed.
weight loss process
When using a variety of diets, weight loss does not always occur due to a decrease in fat mass, often weight loss is due to the removal of excess fluid or excess muscle mass. The keto diet, on the other hand, reduces weight precisely by reducing fat storage in the body.
To understand why this effect occurs, let’s look at the process of ketosis in the body. All the food that enters our body is made up of proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Carbohydrates give us energy and keep the brain functioning. If food has a large amount of carbohydrates, then everything that is not processed by the body will become body fat, which is stored by the body if the carbohydrates stop being eaten. And this will be repeated at every meal rich in carbohydrates.

It is logical that for these fat reserves to begin to be consumed, it is necessary to limit the intake of carbohydrates into the body. But such a strategy will not lead to anything good, it can end badly, to death. If you consume carbohydrates in moderation, in the right amount, enough to maintain energy reserves, without the possibility of storing them in adipose tissue, then there is a chance to lose weight quickly. When a smaller amount of carbohydrate enters the body, it begins to use up a storage source, in this case, fat will be the source.
The body begins the process of breaking down fats and converting them into body ketones and fatty acids. The ketone body will act as a source as a substitute for glucose. This is the process of ketosis. In a state of increased content in the body of ketones in epilepsy, the frequency of epileptic seizures decreases. Keep in mind that not all fats produce this effect. The process of ketosis is triggered by medium chain fatty acids, which are found, for example, in coconut oil.
Today, the keto diet is actively used not only in medicine, but also in sports nutrition. Studies on its effects are still ongoing, so it has been found to have a positive effect on cancer. Cancer cells grow and develop using glucose. If the amount of carbohydrates coming in decreases, then they lose the opportunity to grow.
Keto diet: characteristics, duration and stage
Keto diets are often compared to regular low -carb diets, but this is not true. It is better to compare it with the Atkins or Kremlin diet according to the basic principles of effects on the body. The keto diet shifts the body from normal glycolysis to the process of lipolysis, but this requires a certain amount of preparation time. Therefore, results can be expected no earlier than in 2-3 weeks. The first week is body restructuring, and the loss of fat reserves is negligible.
Stages of body restructuring:
- The first 12 hours (since the last carbohydrate intake) - there is complete utilization of glucose reserves in the body. On the first day, it is recommended to skip all meals until dinner. For dinner, you are allowed to eat 200-300 kcal, of which 10-15 grams of protein and 15-30 grams of fat, without carbohydrates.
- The next 24-48 hours there are changes in the metabolic system. The body begins to look for alternative sources of carbohydrates from proteins and fatty acids, including those already present in the body. Currently, it is recommended to completely abandon the intake of carbohydrate foods, only protein and fat. From the fourth day, you can include starch-free vegetables and fruits in the diet.
- 7 days after the start of the diet, the body has already adapted to the lack of carbohydrates and the process of ketosis is launched continuously, while protein is no longer used as a source of energy. The state of ketosis can be measured using a special blood or urine test strip, but this is somewhat unproductive. The physiological symptoms of ketosis will tell you more about your condition: an increase in the amount of urine produced and frequency of urination, the appearance of dry mouth (which is why it is important to drink lots of water), foul -smelling breath (caused by the release of acetone, which can smell likenail polish remover or overripe fruit). You don’t have to worry about this, this is a temporary phenomenon that passes quickly. Among other things, you will feel a reduction in hunger and extra energy.
- Get out of the keto diet. This is a stage that is no less important than all the previous stages. The body cannot switch to a regular diet high in carbohydrates. A period of adaptation and restructuring to the usual glycolysis process is required. Therefore, carbohydrates should be introduced gradually, no more than 30 grams per day. The best option is to switch to the Mediterranean diet, which can be followed for the rest of your life. In addition, it also contains large amounts of fat, to which the body is accustomed, and whole grains, vegetables and fruits become a source of carbohydrates.
Some experts recommend an additional pre-adjustment period, which takes 2-4 weeks before starting the diet. At this time, it is necessary to gradually introduce medium chain fatty acids into the diet. For example, start taking 30-40 grams of coconut oil per day or a special supplement in powder form, which already contains ketones.
At the same time, gradually reduce the amount of carbohydrates to 100 grams per day. This will give you a chance to get used to the smaller portions of carbs gradually. You can stick to a ketone diet from 3-4 weeks to 12 months. Less than three weeks does not make sense, because during this time the process of ketosis will only have time to begin, and you will not get visible results. There is no reliable information about a period of more than a year. But sticking to a ketone diet for a long time is a dangerous endeavor, as liver steatosis, gallstones and hypoproteinemia can develop. Naturally, the rejection of one of the essential macronutrients and the accompanying micro -elements and vitamins can negatively affect life expectancy.
What are the foods in the keto diet?
There is no clearly approved diet for the duration of the keto diet. One set of products for the keto diet is a diet with a minimum carbohydrate content (no more than 30-50 grams per day). It is better to make vegetables as a source of these carbohydrates, which also contain fiber, which contributes to the normal functioning of the digestive process. It is recommended to leave completely semi -finished products and finished dishes, including sauces. Because most of the above contain carbohydrates in the form of sugars and starches. In some cases, the consumption of fast carbohydrates is allowed, but only from fruits.
Although the keto diet is considered a fat diet, there are certain rules for eating fat:
- Saturated fats (meat, butter, cheese) should not exceed 20-30% of the daily diet;
- Unsaturated and unsaturated fats should make up the entire diet.
What is allowed and forbidden to eat during a keto diet?
Permitted foods - various types of meat (chicken, beef, pork, etc. ), even with pieces of fat and chicken skin, seafood, fish (better to give preference to sea and oily fish - salmon, salmon, herring, etc. ), eggs, dairy and sour milk products (without additives and sweeteners), nuts, starch-free vegetables (cabbage, zucchini, cucumbers, peppers, pumpkin, any leafy vegetables and salads), mushrooms, fruit-fruits with minimum sugar content, avocado or coconut oil, for salads, you can choose flax seeds or olives.
Prohibited foods are sugar, cakes and flour products, pastries, pasta, potatoes, bananas, grapes, cereals (except chickpeas, sesame seeds and flax in moderation) and all refined carbohydrates, as well as beer, sweet tinctures and juices.
Sometimes you can enjoy dry wine, sugar -free alcoholic beverages such as rum, whiskey, gin or vodka, but in moderation, as well as dark chocolate.
On this basis, the menu for this week is compiled. The main rule is to stay within the allowable amount of carbohydrates. The best choice is 70% fat, 25% protein and 5% carbohydrate (no more than 20-30 grams a day).
During the day, when hunger appears, you can eat a snack with nuts, a piece of cheese, seeds.
important: during the diet, you need to increase the amount of pure water consumed per day to 3. 8 liters, it will help start the necessary process and reduce hunger.
Types of ketone diets
There are several types of ketone diets, depending on the severity of compliance:
- Standard option. This is the most common type. During its compliance, it is necessary to always take into account the ratio of protein, fat and carbohydrates in the diet, protein and fat should take precedence. This option is often chosen by people trying to lose weight, as well as professional athletes who tolerate physical activity well with minimal carbohydrate intake.
- Targeted or targeted. This option involves the inclusion in the diet of several meals with a predominance of carbohydrates. This type of keto diet is preferred for those who exercise. Carbohydrate food loading was carried out twice - before training and after. The rest, protein and fat dominate in the diet.
- Type of cycleaimed at those who want to start the fat burning process, but can’t train completely without carbohydrates. In this case, carbohydrate days are provided in the diet. This allows you to maintain the diet for a longer time. The number and frequency of carb days depends on the goals set by the athlete for himself.
important: the target version and the keto diet cycle is only possible after passing the standard.
Benefits of ketone diet:
- Weight loss - by converting the body to receive energy from fat, which is broken down naturally. Statistics show that in six months of such a diet, you can lose from 3 to 12 pounds.
- Blood sugar control. Thanks to the keto diet, sugar levels in the body are reduced.
- Long -term brain activation. Ketones are an excellent source of energy for brain function. In addition, the rejection of carbohydrates leads to the absence of jumps in blood sugar, which has a positive effect on the process of concentration and attention.
- Increases energy and satiety. Ketones are a reliable and sustainable source of energy that lasts a long time. Also, fatty foods satiate you faster and last longer than carbohydrate foods.
- Reduces epileptic seizures. This matter has already been discussed above. In addition, a ketone diet can replace some drugs in complex therapy.
- Normalization of cholesterol levels and blood pressure.
- Development of insulin resistance. A low -carbohydrate keto diet reduces insulin levels significantly to the average norm.
- Improves skin condition.
Diet side effects:
- General weakness. 1-2 weeks the body rebuilds to a new metabolic system, and a lack of carbohydrates in the diet naturally leads to fatigue and exhaustion. The situation improved after the completion of the adjustment phase.
- Increased cholesterol in the blood, which can cause problems with blood vessels and the heart. This may not be the case for everyone.
- Avitaminosis. Dietary rations are relatively poor in the necessary vitamins and minerals, so it is recommended to supplement take multivitamin complexes.
- Violation of the gastrointestinal tract. Low amounts of fiber in the diet can lead to constipation, intestinal dysbacteriosis, and several other negative consequences.
- Ketoacidosis is an excess of ketones in the body. More ketones can be produced than the body needs. This is especially dangerous when insulin levels are low, which is typical for patients with type 2 diabetes.
- Leg cramps may appear at the beginning of the diet. Their main reason is magnesium deficiency. Therefore, drink more, or include foods containing it in sufficient quantities in the diet.
The ketone diet is contraindicated for people suffering from diseases of the kidneys, liver, thyroid gland and diseases of the digestive system. The keto diet is prohibited for pregnant and lactating women, as well as children and adolescents. It is also better for people whose work is associated with a high intellectual load to abandon this weight loss option, because the absence of carbohydrates negatively affects brain activity, leading to apathy and fatigue.
The use of a keto diet can reduce physical performance in athletes who participate in team sports, running or CrossFit, as well as those who remain anaerobic for long periods of time. It is also worth leaving this diet for those who have problems with bone strength, because the keto diet can alter the mineral composition of bones, which will lead to injuries and fractures.
Diabetics should be treated with caution, because at the moment doctors do not have a clear opinion on this matter. Some believe that such a diet is indicated for diabetes, while others believe that it can only worsen the patient’s condition.
The keto diet is very effective in getting rid of fat reserves. If you decide to use it for this purpose, then I recommend you see a doctor, especially if you are already taking any medication or have a chronic illness.